Nat Eliasonbook recommendations

Nat Eliason is the CEO and founder of Growth Machine, an SEO-focused growth agency, and co-founder of Cup & Leaf Tea. He is also the author of “Come Again?” and writes about psychology, sex, money, travel, entrepreneurship, drugs, and everything else you’d find interesting at

95 books recommended by Nat Eliason

The Alchemist

Paulo Coelho

Good to Great

Jim Collins

The Black Swan

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!

Richard P. Feynman

Snow Crash

Neal Stephenson


Robert Greene

Skin in the Game

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

12 Rules for Life

Jordan Peterson


Hermann Hesse


Safi Bahcall

The Lessons of History

Will & Ariel Durant

The Three-Body Problem

Cixin Liu

Fooled by Randomness

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Deep Work

Cal Newport

The Power of Habit

Charles Duhigg

Made to Stick

Chip & Dan Heath

The Beginning of Infinity

David Deutsch

The Effective Executive

Peter F. Drucker

The Sovereign Individual

James Dale Davidson & William Rees-Mogg

The Score Takes Care of Itself

Bill Walsh

Finite and Infinite Games

James Carse

Moonwalking with Einstein

Joshua Foer

Seeking Wisdom

Peter Bevelin


Gabriel Weinberg & Justin Mares

The Martian

Andy Weir

Ready Player One

Ernest Cline

The Book of Five Rings

Miyamoto Musashi

The Elements of Style

William Strunk & E.B. White


Alfred Lansing

The Art of Learning

Josh Waitzkin

The Hero with a Thousand Faces

Joseph Campbell

The Dip

Seth Godin

The Talent Code

Daniel Coyle

The Power of Myth

Joseph Campbell

The Rise of Superman

Steven Kotler

Amusing Ourselves to Death

Neil Postman

10% Happier

Dan Harris

Gödel, Escher, Bach

Douglas R. Hofstadter

How to Lie with Statistics

Darrell Huff

Let My People Go Surfing

Yvon Chouinard


Sam Harris

The Elephant in the Brain

Kevin Simler & Robin Hanson

Awaken the Giant Within

Tony Robbins

Cloud Atlas

David Mitchell

Digital Minimalism

Cal Newport

East of Eden

John Steinbeck


Malcolm Gladwell

Getting to Yes

Roger Fisher

Letters from a Stoic

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

On Writing Well

William Zinsser


Anders Ericsson & Robert Pool

Stories of Your Life and Others

Ted Chiang

The Bhagavad Gita

Eknath Easwaran

The Inner Game of Tennis

W. Timothy Gallwey

The Fish That Ate the Whale

Rich Cohen

The Most Important Thing Illuminated

Howard Marks

The Way of the Superior Man

David Deida

Waking Up

Sam Harris

Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind

Shunryu Suzuki

7 Powers

Hamilton Helmer


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