Peter Attiabook recommendations

Peter Attia is a Canadian-American physician of Egyptian descent known for his medical practice that focuses on the science of longevity.
Peter Attia on Charlotte's Web
"[My earliest memory of reading is] sitting in the back of the beat up old station wagon reading a paperback of [this book] while my mom was driving us to the mall."
Peter Attia on Jonathan Livingston Seagull
"[If I could encourage young people to read one book] I’d encourage them to read [this book]."
Peter Attia on Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me)
"The moment I finished it, I not only reread it, but I bought it for about ten people."
Peter Attia on One Bullet Away
One of Peter Attia's answers to "is there a book that you’ve read more than once?"
Peter Attia on Dancing Naked in the Mind Field
"[One of the] biographies of people who have 'built skyscrapers' (my term)."
Peter Attia on Shattered
Peter Attia mentioned reading this book on an interview for
Peter Attia on The Double Helix
"[One of the] biographies of people who have 'built skyscrapers' (my term)."
Peter Attia on Becoming Steve Jobs
"[One of the] biographies of people who have 'built skyscrapers' (my term)."
Peter Attia on Good Calories, Bad Calories
One of Peter Attia's answers to "any books you feel would make your reading list?"
Peter Attia on The Hard Thing About Hard Things
One of Peter Attia's answers to "any books you feel would make your reading list?"
Peter Attia on The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide
One of Peter Attia's answers to "what book do you feel humanity needs right now?"
Peter Attia on This Is Water
"I’ve listened more than 100 times to the audio [...] and now I’ll add this method of consumption to one of the most important speeches ever given (or at least ever heard by me...)"
Peter Attia on 10% Happier
"I’ve read a lot about mediation, but it was the first book I read where I thought, 'I can relate to this guy.'"
Peter Attia on The Four Agreements
Peter Attia mentioned reading this book on an interview for Outside Online.
Peter Attia on Red Notice
Peter Attia mentioned reading this book on an interview for Outside Online.
Peter Attia on The Most Important Thing
One of Peter Attia's answers to "any books you feel would make your reading list?"
Peter Attia on The Emperor of All Maladies
One of Peter Attia's answers to "any books you feel would make your reading list?"
Peter Attia on Solve for Happy
"Probably moved to the #2 spot [of books I've gifted the most]."
Peter Attia on Infinite Jest
"I have always wanted to read [this book]."
Our team curates this list through direct contact, research or by gathering public mentions and references of Peter Attia's reading list.
These books were chosen based on Peter Attia's public recommendations via social media, books, writings, interviews, and other public mentions — or, in some cases, a direc communication with our team.
We continuously update our lists to reflect the most comprehensive selection of books Peter Attia has recommended, whether through direct interaction or public mentions. Altough this list may be not updated, we try our best to collect every new book mention.
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