Shay Carlbook recommendations

Shay Carl Butler, known professionally as Shay Carl, is an American vlogger, author and YouTube personality. Butler has three YouTube channels, two of which have over three million subscribers.
Shay Carl on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Shay Carl referenced this book on "The Tim Ferriss Show" podcast.
Our team curates this list through direct contact, research or by gathering public mentions and references of Shay Carl's reading list.
These books were chosen based on Shay Carl's public recommendations via social media, books, writings, interviews, and other public mentions — or, in some cases, a direc communication with our team.
We continuously update our lists to reflect the most comprehensive selection of books Shay Carl has recommended, whether through direct interaction or public mentions. Altough this list may be not updated, we try our best to collect every new book mention.
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